Friday, June 14, 2013

These are just a few drawings I did over the week that I thought were worth sharing.

To start off I should introduce my two main characters Fuzzy Bunz McGhee and Pursephony Calico Peterbald III.

These are just a few Fuzzy Bunz doodles I thought were worth sharing.

Here's a taste of some of Fuzzy Bunz's investigative techniques.

These are just a few of my Pursephony drawings. You can she's with her father in the first couple pages here. Pursephony's father is a workaholic who doesn't spend enough time with her. As a result she sees Fuzzy Bunz as a surrogate father figure and together they fight crime after she gets out of school.

The drawings here are of Lora Lopears, Fuzzy Bunz love interest and first customer.
This is just a doodle I did that led me to create three new characters. The Bank Robbin Beaver Bros. They're comprised of two beaver brothers and an adopted platypus who joined forces and started their own gang. 

This started out a s silly skunk doodle but evolved into a skunk parody or David Caruso's CSI Miami character, who needs a magic eight ball to come up with his catchy one liners.

Here's a new batch of enemies for Fuzzy Bunz The Mobsteh Lobsteh and his Army of Crabby Flamenco Dancing Ninja Assassins.

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