Saturday, July 27, 2013

I have a few things to help make sense of my storyboards. The long lines that you find between two thumbnails means that the thumbnail on the right side of the line is a new scene. Also I started the first few pages with the characters name next to what they say but after a few pages I stopped that because the only person I have speaking is always the character that is the main focal point of that drawing and it added more room for dialog. This is my first draft and I've already begun making changes, mostly adding more gags. I'll take the feedback I get from this draft and add it to my 2nd draft before re-posting.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Character Line Up

Here you can see from left to right Lora Lopears Lorenzi, Fuzzy Bunz McGhee, Pursephone Calico Peterbald III, and finally Shuffles Malone.

Character Turnarounds

Here you can see Fuzzy Bunz with his overcoat on.

Here he is without his signature overcoat.

Pursephone's turnaround.

Shuffles Malone.
"Why Couldn't The Cat Cross The Road?"

By Galen Harper

It's time for Pursephony to go to school... But before she can do that she hat to cross the street.

We open on our two heroes Fuzzy Bunz and Pursephony getting into Fuzzy's car as they head off to school. As they near the school Fuzzy's police scanner picks up chatter about a robbery in progress. In a rush to get some action Fuzzy pull the car over, kicks Persephone out, and speeds off without saying goodbye. it's only after the fact that Pursephony realizes she's on the opposite side of the street from her school. Normally that wouldn't be a problem but today there's a substitute crossing guard and to top things off... hes blind! Pursephony looks at her watch and realizes that she has only has 15 minutes to get to school before the tardy bell rings.

Pursephony watches as other kids in the same predicament try to cross the street and one by one they all fail miserably. Meanwhile a Fuzzy arrives at the crime scene and finds Shuffles  making his getaway. He sees Fuzzy and takes off with Fuzzy in hot pursuit. Back on the corner Pursephony attempts to cross the street herself with no avail. She tries directing the crossing guard from across the street, but he keeps wandering off in the wrong direction.

Shuffles manages to shoot out Fuzzy's tires and gain some distance from his pursuer, but Fuzzy continues the chase on foot. After an amazing action packed chase Shuffles comes to a screeching halt when he finds himself face to face with Pursephony. Before Persephone can say a word Shuffles rushes out into the street when he sees Fuzzy right behind him.  he gets about halfway before he's run down by several cars. In an attempt to hog all the glory for himself, Fuzzy Bunz wanders into the street to make a formal arrest, only to have his big feet flattened like pancakes by a passing car. Not long after that the cops arrive and shut the street down so they can investigate what happened. Then and only then is it safe for Pursephony to get to the other side and make it to school just in time before the tardy bell. The cops arrest Shuffles and take him away. leaving Fuzzy Bunz without a bounty to collect since he didn't make a formal arrest.
By Galen Harper

Shuffles Malone kidnaps Pursephony in hopes of luring Fuzzy Bunz into a trap, but Pursephony isn't as helpless as she appears.

Our episode begins With Fuzzy Bunz dropping Persephone off at school. We see Shuffles Malone hiding in a car down the street. As soon as Fuzzy walks away, Shuffles swoops in and snatches Persephone up. Shuffles takes off leaving only a ransom note that Fuzzy doesn't notice.

Meanwhile at his hide out Shuffles struggles to get Persephone to stay put. Fuzzy Bunz finally notices the ransom note (stuck on his car's antenna.) and tries to devise a plan to rescue Pursephony without having to pay the ransom. Back at the hide out Pursephony manages to get loose and tries to escape on her own, when she comes across Shuffles and his gang. She finds out that the whole thing is a set up to get Fuzzy Bunz. Pursephony decides to stick around to help Fuzzy when the time comes.

Pursephony gets back to her holding cell before she gets caught sneaking around. When Shuffles goes to check in on his prisoner he finds that she can be a bit of a handful and a pain in the neck. While Shuffles is busy fulfilling Persephone's needs, Fuzzy arrives at the hide out to make the exchange. Shuffles is being run ragged trying to take care of his prisoner's needs and as such doesn't realize Fuzzy walking in at first. In an attempt to save face Shuffles tries to go through with the hostage deal with Fuzzy, but after constant prodding by Pursephony he reaches his breaking point. Shuffles snaps calls the whole deal off and hands Pursephony over to Fuzzy Bunz "No strings attached. Just get her out of here!" is all he had to say. A happy ending for all... accept Shuffles who checks himself into a mental asylum just to get away from his own hostage.

Friday, July 12, 2013

More Fuzzy Bunz Springboard Ideas

  • A lounge singer is being hit on by a local low life mobster Shuffles Malone.  Good old Fuzzy Bunz won't leave a damsel in distress... especially not a pretty one.
  • Shuffles Malone In an attempt to regain respect in the criminal community, is given another chance to kill Fuzzy Bunz.
  • Someone is smashing peoples heads in with a giant wooden mallet. Fuzzy Bunz is dragged into the investigation when a hobo gets whacked just outside Fuzzy's office.
  • Fuzzy Bunz runs into his competition in the vigilante market, Dt. Stink Makowski.
  • Fuzzy Bunz tries to infiltrate a biker gang thought to be behind a strew of crimes, but gets in too deep and slowly becomes that which he fought so hard to stop... a criminal.
  • It's up to Fuzzy Bunz to stop a murderous robot that can take the form of any action movie star it sees.
  • Some criminals break into fuzzy Bunz's office trying to escape the cops after robbing a bank. But they picked the wrong place to lie low and let things die down.
  • Shuffles hires someone to rub out Fuzzy Bunz after several of his attempts have failed miserably