Saturday, July 13, 2013

By Galen Harper

Shuffles Malone kidnaps Pursephony in hopes of luring Fuzzy Bunz into a trap, but Pursephony isn't as helpless as she appears.

Our episode begins With Fuzzy Bunz dropping Persephone off at school. We see Shuffles Malone hiding in a car down the street. As soon as Fuzzy walks away, Shuffles swoops in and snatches Persephone up. Shuffles takes off leaving only a ransom note that Fuzzy doesn't notice.

Meanwhile at his hide out Shuffles struggles to get Persephone to stay put. Fuzzy Bunz finally notices the ransom note (stuck on his car's antenna.) and tries to devise a plan to rescue Pursephony without having to pay the ransom. Back at the hide out Pursephony manages to get loose and tries to escape on her own, when she comes across Shuffles and his gang. She finds out that the whole thing is a set up to get Fuzzy Bunz. Pursephony decides to stick around to help Fuzzy when the time comes.

Pursephony gets back to her holding cell before she gets caught sneaking around. When Shuffles goes to check in on his prisoner he finds that she can be a bit of a handful and a pain in the neck. While Shuffles is busy fulfilling Persephone's needs, Fuzzy arrives at the hide out to make the exchange. Shuffles is being run ragged trying to take care of his prisoner's needs and as such doesn't realize Fuzzy walking in at first. In an attempt to save face Shuffles tries to go through with the hostage deal with Fuzzy, but after constant prodding by Pursephony he reaches his breaking point. Shuffles snaps calls the whole deal off and hands Pursephony over to Fuzzy Bunz "No strings attached. Just get her out of here!" is all he had to say. A happy ending for all... accept Shuffles who checks himself into a mental asylum just to get away from his own hostage.

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